Tag: Outreach

Hit by EMD Update? 6 Things You need to Do Right Away

There was a minor weather report indicating how Google penalized so-called low-quality EMDs. Matt Cutts indicated this in a tweet that was sent on 28 September 2012.  He said it was a minor update and would affect just about 0.6% of English-US search queries and it was not related to Penguin/Panda in any way. Though the update was supposed to be minor (as suggested by Matt Cutts) but it turned out to be quite a massive update concerning affiliate sites and for most webmasters who relied on their domain power to rank....

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8 Tips To Make Your Blog Popular And Loved By Google

To taste blogging success right from the very beginning, make sure your blogs are fabricated in a perfect Google-friendly style. Obviously, you need to prepare for strong ground-work solely in tune with the set criteria of Google. You definitely want all your efforts in the form of blog to be loved by Google and you can easily do that by being versed about website behavior. Now, you might be curious to understand what is really meant by the concept of website behavior. Well, to put it in real simple words, it is...

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3 Handy Dandy Tips To Improve Your Search Engine Visibility & ROI

I was talking to one of my clients on Skype a few days ago and our subject of discussion was what needs to be done to improve her website’s search engine visibility and ROI. In this post I shall provide you with some valuable information on what you can do today to improve your search engine visibility and secure better ROI. 1. Focus Your Efforts On Positions 11-15 Click through rates can be significantly increased by simply changing the position of keywords sets. You only have to move them just a bit in terms of...

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Finding Right SEO Keywords to Skyrocket Your Website Traffic Instantly

I wrote about how to find some good keywords a few days ago. Though the article was pretty good in finding some initial good keywords to get you started with your SEO campaign but it wasn’t quite good enough for advanced SEO campaigns. This post will help you discover GOLD. Focusing only on popular keywords in a niche is not a good idea. This can often lead to heavy SEO campaign involving tons of cash with lesser ROI. Using unique keywords to get better ROI with lesser investment is pure gold. So how exactly do we...

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Choosing SEO Keywords The Right Way: 3 Tips to Get You Started

Most of the clients that request SEO quote from me usually are not sure about the keywords they shall go after. There are also a portion of those who have chosen wrong keywords. Choosing right SEO keywords is the most crucial part of any SEO campaign and you sure do not want to get this bad. So the BIG question is ‘How can I choose the best keyword to promote my business?’ The answer is not simple. Let us go through some of the ways to get some good keyword ideas. Let us consider some of the techniques that can help...

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