Tag: website design

Google Update: Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly before April 21 to Avoid Traffic Loss

Is your website responsive or mobile-friendly? If it isn’t, well, you better get to work. Google, in a post on their Webmaster Central blog, announced that they will be rolling out a major update to search results. From 21 April, websites that are mobile-friendly will start ranking higher than those that are not. Google has been warning website owners to get mobile-friendly for quite some time. Now they have decided to take it to the next level. Google uses more than 200 ranking signals to determine how to rank pages....

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Don’t Ignore SEO In Your [Small Business] Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital marketing is the most effective way to approach your target audience in this day and age. Small business owners have already realized that and more and smaller business owners turn to a digital marketing agency for improving their business’s audience reach. Digital marketing is such a huge term that encompasses a lot of different components – like SEO, PPC, local optimization, social media optimization, and social SEO. As the idea of digital marketing and its components is increasing, the small business owners...

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How To SEO A Single Page Website

Is it possible to SEO a single page website? Yes, indeed and here is how you do it. One of the deciding ranking factors is the thickness of a website and the number of unique and interesting content pages that it has. However, ranking a website with just a single page is also possible. Have you seen a single-page website before? I believe you have (if you browse enough and are into discovering new stuff) but in case you haven’t; have a look at the Delhi Timeline website. The look and feel are simply awesome and yes,...

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5 Attributes Of A Good Meta Title Tag

Meta title tag is one of the most important element of a webpage and a key location to reflect your target keyword(s). That being said, I see people crafting meta tags that are spammy and are not quite what is required. While you need to reflect the keywords in the Meta title tag, it doesn’t mean you need to stuff it with your keyword(s). Making it unnatural and spammy is the worst thing you can do to a Meta title. This would destroy your rankings in longer run. This would result in lower click-throughs for your...

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Common SEO Mistakes – Errors To Avoid

More than often, we come across webmasters who have been employing wrong SEO techniques…unknowingly. It is also common to find webmasters who are ignoring some important SEO elements for the lack of knowledge. With so much going on in the SEO industry, it is crucial that we have a list that can be used as a reference by webmasters. This is an attempt to list some of the most common SEO mistakes people are making. We shall update the post regularly and make sure that we cover all the new SEO mistakes we see are being...

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Landing Page: 12 Tips To Minimize Errors And Improve Conversion Ratio

o there is nothing wrong with your SEO campaign and the traffic you are getting. It is just that your landing page sucks! More than often, I come across landing pages that are not carefully crafted. As such, they cause great loss to their conversion potential. I have helped several clients fix their landing page for a better conversion ratio and securing better ROI. In most cases, the mistakes were obvious issues that anyone could easily identify. To make it easier for everyone looking to develop or modify a landing,...

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